President Dwight D. Eisenhower, also a five-star general, said effective leadership is like a string: Pull the string, and it follows wherever you wish. But push it and it goes nowhere.
Reaching even a top leadership position, though, doesn’t mean the journey is complete. Executives evolve by consistently improving their leadership skills.
Effective leadership is the blending of many skills including communication, motivation and empathy.
However, “You can’t make changes as a one-off,” said Chris Lewis, founder of Team Lewis, a marketing consulting firm. “It needs to be embedded as part of a routine. Excellence is not a single act. Excellence is a habit.”
Set High Expectations For Effective Leadership
Winning leaders are not passive. They exert pressure in a positive way to get people to act and commit to the right path, said Sarah Dalton. Dalton is a partner at Conchie Associates, a talent assessment and development firm.
“Talented leaders agitate for change, provoke thinking and never settle for average outcomes,” she said “That drives commitment and engagement.”
Hall of Fame basketball coach Phil Jackson was famous for being blunt with players. He’d even call them out in the media to make them uncomfortable. Jackson not only won 11 NBA titles, but earned the loyalty of his players, including such all-time greats as Michael Jordan, Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant. (more…)