So…How Do You Measure Success?






Success is something that everyone in any career field would like to achieve. Success may mean different things to different people.



Here are some perspectives:

It’s an easy path to try and measure success by the numbers, but when asked personally I think of happiness but also my impact on others.  When I am asked about my biggest success at work, it is always the people and who have I helped develop and grow. That is my professional legacy, and the measure of success. On the personal side, I revert back to happiness and creating memories not only for yourself but for the loved ones you surround yourself with.  Something I have to keep reminding myself of is that the journey can be successful, not just the destination.

Steve Rudderham,  Global Leader for Carrier Business Services



For business I have always measured success on how I help those connected    to me be successful. Who I report to being. an individual or board, the people that report to myself and my peers. If what I am doing is reflecting progress and development of the echo-system around me, then I have no need to check on my success.

David Gai, COO Leadspace


Raising my kids to be the best versions of themselves.  They can be whomever they want, no limits. Raise them to be good people and be good to each other.

Be a good partner for Pamela. Supportive, growing with her, experiencing new places together.

We are building a special company at Syniti. We have in a unique space of data at a special time in industry growth. So, success is delivering on our mission creating a place where data professionals can perfect their craft and helping deliver game changing business benefits with our clients.

Always living our/my values – think big, be curious, take action and better together.  After all, at the end it is the friends we make along the way and the memories that we make that we remember.

Building a lasting company, watching and helping people grow, helping   people do more than they think is possible and learning every day!

Kevin Campbell, Chief Executive Officer at Syniti



We would welcome your thoughts, for our next blog on success.

Thank you,

Larry Janis, Managing Partner, ISSG



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