Has HR rushed too quickly to the service center?

by Gareth Cartman

Once upon a time, HR were viewed as fluffy people, or at worst, pen-pushers who took your holiday forms. Today, apparently, they’re a faceless department, a phone number, a web portal… HR as we knew it has been killed off by the service center, and the only people to blame are… HR.

The attractions of the shared service center are manifold. IDC recently underlined the massive rush towards HR outsourcing in its shared service form, with the benefits of centralized data, actionable metrics and cloud technology all to the fore. HR is, so they say, clamoring for help, and outsourcing is the answer to all of their problems. Continue reading

Talent Paradox of Outsourcing

Research Finds Lack of Investments in Talent Limiting High Performance in Outsourcing

NEW YORK AND LONDON (April 10, 2013) – The outsourcing industry is failing to invest in the skills needed to capture the full value from outsourcing engagements, an HfS Research study, sponsored by Accenture, reveals. The report, entitled “ Is Good Enough Really Good Enough? The Great Talent Paradox in Outsourcing ,” confirms that in order to achieve sustainable value beyond cost reduction, both buyers and providers of outsourcing must increase their focus on developing talent. Continue reading

An interview with David Lee

Interviewed by Larry Janis, Managing Partner, Integrated Search Solutions

LJ: Most of our readers will know Dell, what is your role in the firm?

DL:  I am Vice President of sales, marketing and strategy at Dell Services.  I oversee global sales and marketing in all geographies and across all of our lines of business (Support & Deployment, Infrastructure & Cloud Computing, Applications & BPO, and Security).  I also lead the strategy function for Dell Services and am part of the Dell Services senior leadership team. Continue reading

Smartsourcing Requires A New Maturity Model

By Marc Kauffmann

Since smartsourcing is a relatively new concept, it is important to develop a model/methodology that ensures successful implementation and encourages innovation. This warrants development, management and continuous refinement of a comprehensive Smartsourcing Innovation Model. Continue reading