Feeling Good Friday – I Choose (fill in the blank)

by Gayle Hilgendorff

Take a moment and think about the week ahead of you.  From your Saturday morning through until next Friday night.  You can take out your calendar if that helps you create a more vivid picture of your activities – whatever helps you fully surround yourself with a sense of all the commitments you have made to your family, your job and yourself.  All the things you have to do.  Good.  Now hold onto that feeling of overwhelm, stress, anxiety and exhaustion for a few moments. Continue reading

The secret to meaningful praise

by Melissa Janis

I received the secret to giving meaningful praise decades ago and didn’t realize it until I became a manager years later. It was an old-fashioned three sentence paper memo from my SVP. She said she was aware that I had persuaded a major client to endorse our product in a company press release. As with all good feedback, it was timely and specific. But the third sentence contained the magic: “You showed tremendous finesse.” Continue reading

The Case for Women on Boards – SXSW 2014





One morning at SxSW, Jody Greene moderated a panel with three bay area powerhouse women, Trish Costello, founder of Portfolia, Theresia Gouw, founder of Aspect Ventures and Fran Maier, founder/chair of TRUSTe. Each having been previous entrepreneurs, now investors and board members of public companies. The conversation was multifaceted on the topic from the viewpoint of board members and entrepreneurs. Continue reading

4 Steps to Building a Culture of Accountability

by Gwen Moran

When it comes to managing your company and serving your customers, you need to be confident that things are getting done. If you don’t build a culture of accountability, holding your employees and yourself responsible for behavior, follow-through and values, it could soon start affecting your bottom line. Continue reading

Stop Blabbing About Innovation And Start Actually Doing It

By Aaron Shapiro

These days, every established company is at risk of having its industry–and its own business–disrupted by a startup. Cognizant of this, companies devote a lot of time to talking about how important it is to innovate. But here’s the truth: most companies can’t innovate because everyone is paid to maintain the status quo.

This is the single biggest reason companies fail to do anything new or exciting. You and everyone else are maxed out making sure your company is doing what it’s supposed to do; innovation is what the weekends are for. Continue reading