Should I Accept that LinkedIn Invitation?

by Alexandra Samuel

That’s a question I am almost guaranteed to hear during any social media workshop, or indeed, in one-on-one conversations about social networking. Even committed LinkedIn users are often uncertain of which connection requests to accept, or which invitations to extend: Someone who regularly shares your blog posts on Twitter? That guy on your condo board? Your cousin’s girlfriend with the commemorative-gold-coin business?

The problem of who to connect with on LinkedIn puzzles people precisely because the network itself is neither fish nor fowl. Is it a social network like Facebook, where your connections are (at least notionally) “friends”? A public platform like Twitter, where people can see and judge you on the number of your followers? Or just a really awesome address book? Continue reading

5 Transitions Great Leaders Make That Average Leaders Don’t

The secret to leadership is there aren’t any real secrets. The best leaders have simply gone to school on improving their tradecraft. While the capabilities possessed by the best leaders might seem otherworldly to many, they are merely the outcome of hard work, experience, perspective, and yes, a bit of luck. The best leaders have just learned to make certain transitions that less effective leaders curiously remain blind to.

Some leaders hit their stride early in their career, others find their path later in life, and regrettably, far too many leaders never seem to get their footing. Great leaders discover pivot points and transitions that create a certain rhythm and balance, while average leaders tend to be somewhat tone deaf and awkward. We all recognize great leadership when we see it, but many fail to see what it is that actually makes the leader great. Following are 5 key transitions great leaders make that average leaders do not. Continue reading

Inside with Alan Hanson, Sr. Vice President , Neo Group

LJ: Would you please share with us your current role & responsibilities.

AH:  As Senior Vice President, I lead our solutions, sales and marketing globally. Neo Group provides Globalization Advisory, Governance Solutions, and Supplier and Location risk analytics and monitoring services.  All three areas are growing and the supplier risk and analytics services are particularly critical in the market these days as clients turn there attention to meeting regulatory demands and their vendor management objectives of better managing their global operations. Continue reading

Fast-track onboarding – engaging employees before they begin

Jane Sunley - Purplecubed This article was written by Jane Sunley, CEO of Purplecubed.

Most of us have been there – a job offer is made, accepted and notice period worked. During this time the new employer sends a contract and details of where the new starter should go on day one. Then silence… very little, or no contact, is made until the new recruit turns up at 9am on their official start date.

Notice periods tend to be at least a couple of weeks; 14 days or more of the new employee steadily moving backwards down the excitement scale – from elation after accepting an amazing job, to interest upon reading the contract, wonder; what might the job entail until the nerves kick in, fear around the first day – where to go, who to ask for, will they like me, will I like them? Continue reading

BPO Insurance Practice Head – US


Qualifications: Significant experience required; must have a proven track record of running a large scale BPO portfolio in insurance with P&L responsibilities. Background must include demonstrated ability to manage sales, grow revenue, and build a business practice.  Prior experience must include operational responsibility for and understanding of personal lines BPO product offerings, with a focus on life and annuity products. Continue reading