Getting that First Promotion

John Beesonby John Beeson

If you’ve been at your company for a few years and hope to move up to the next level, you may feel like you’re standing at an airport looking up to see one plane after another stacked up in a holding pattern. That’s because promotion rates in most industries have slowed dramatically since the recession, creating a backlog of talented employees intent on moving ahead. Continue reading

How Criticizing in Private Undermines Your Team

by Roger Schwarz

You are holding your weekly team leadership meeting. You are discussing with your direct reports how to handle the project delays that have caused the team to miss its quarterly numbers. You know that Ted — one of your direct reports — contributed to missing the numbers by missing two key deadlines. You’ve seen this kind of behavior before from Ted, and you’ve seen the team’s frustration with Ted. You decide to not say anything to Ted in the meeting, but afterward you privately tell him that how he’s letting you and the team down. Continue reading

Talent Paradox of Outsourcing

Research Finds Lack of Investments in Talent Limiting High Performance in Outsourcing

NEW YORK AND LONDON (April 10, 2013) – The outsourcing industry is failing to invest in the skills needed to capture the full value from outsourcing engagements, an HfS Research study, sponsored by Accenture, reveals. The report, entitled “ Is Good Enough Really Good Enough? The Great Talent Paradox in Outsourcing ,” confirms that in order to achieve sustainable value beyond cost reduction, both buyers and providers of outsourcing must increase their focus on developing talent. Continue reading