Over the last few weeks, I must have had at least 10 calls from outsourcing talent currently looking –or being recruited for new positions–many of them by offshore providers. And that’s not counting the calls from search consultants, desperate to locate that buried diamond of a sales-accounts-or-solutions guy who can be persuaded to jump ship. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Careers
Learn to be Charismatic
What makes a leader inspiring? By far, the most common answer I hear from the thousands of leaders I’ve spoken with on the topic is “charisma.”
And who would argue? When they hear that answer, people typically nod knowingly; we all seem to recognize the power of charisma to motivate. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, recently wrote on this site about its importance.The sociologist Max Weber described it as being endowed with supernatural, superhuman, and exceptional powers. Continue reading
Stop Micromanaging and Learn to Delegate
You’ve gotten feedback from your manager as well as word of rumblings within your team: You’re seen as a micromanager who tends to get into the weeds — and stay there. You produce great results but senior management sees you as an operational manager and questions your ability to let go and operate at a strategic level. Wait a minute, you think. Who are they trying to kid? Delegation sounds great on paper, but you’re responsible for some major projects, and management expects flawless execution. How can they have it both ways? Continue reading
You Are (Probably) Wrong About You
written by Heidi Grant Halvorson
If you want to be more successful — at anything — than you are right now, you need to know yourself and your skills. And when you fall short of your goals, you need to know why. This should be no problem; after all, who knows you better than you do?
And yet your own ratings of your personality traits — for instance, how open-minded, conscientious, or impulsive you are — correlate with the impressions of other people (who know you well) at around .40. In other words, how you see yourself and how other people see you are only very modestly correlated. Continue reading
3 Steps to Give Your New Hires a Terrible Onboarding Experience
Do you want to make sure that your new employees are dazed and confused from day one? Do you know the secret to keeping them from ever reaching the heights of mediocrity, let alone actual success? Do you like having a high rate of turnover on your staff, making every day uncertain of who will be in the office or what tasks will be accomplished?
Of course you don’t. Continue reading