Leadership: What not to do

by Susanne Biro

In my career, I have learned more about exceptional leadership by being on the receiving end of its opposite. Here are three fundamental things I have learned never do to others, simply because I know first-hand how damaging they can be.

1. Don’t lie. This includes blatant lies, half-truths and errors of omission. If you make a mistake, own it, clean it up, and apologize to all impacted. If you don’t know the answer, say so. Be transparent, sharing your thinking and your decision making process. Share what you can, as soon as you can, so people don’t need to make up a story. Be brave, pick up the phone and have the real (and often hard) conversation with the person you need to have it with. Live your values, as everyone is always watching. Call yourself on your own bull. This is perhaps the most important one, as few human beings handle power well. Keep your ego in check. When you need help, ask for it. Be human alongside the rest of us mortals. Remember whom you serve. Keep your promises. Be your word. Address reality. Discuss the undiscussables. Do the right thing. I repeat: do the right thing. You will not be trusted otherwise. And trust is the only thing you have. Continue reading

Senior Level Manager for Payroll Tax

The Payroll Tax Senior Manager is responsible for the oversight of all payroll tax processes Federal, State, and Local and will be responsible for Corporate Payroll Stock Accounting.



Key Responsibilities:

  • Manage the payroll tax team in delivering customer service, including responding to inquiries related to payroll from our client, properties, workers and various internal departments
  • Ensure payroll tax compliance, including tax deposits, filings, and reconciliations to the general ledger are accurate and completed in a timely manner
  • Monitor tax law changes and partner with client on interpretation and implementation.
  • Oversee all tax filings for Fed, State and Local jurisdictions, provides recommendation to the client based on tax changes and publications.
  • Responsible for all payroll tax and stock accounting for all US based properties and US corporate offices.
  • Collaborate in development, testing, and troubleshooting of all system changes with the client, IT, etc. as it relates to payroll tax
  • Implement continuous process improvement to include the adoption of best practices, and updating standard operating procedures accordingly
  • Engage with senior management and be the subject matter expert for payroll and payroll tax-related matters, expatriates, 1099 reporting matters, payroll general ledger mapping/reporting.
  • Ensure the proper controls and procedures are in place, documented and followed as well as working with internal audit in testing the effectiveness of the controls

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How a Superstar Affects Your Ratings

by Gavin Cassar

Subjectively evaluating people can have long-lasting effects.

Imagine yourself speed dating.

The first person sits across from you and the attraction is instant. You begin chatting and find the words come easily. In fact, they pour out. As the minutes melt away, you realise you’ve probably never felt this deeply connected to anyone before. But then, time is up, and you are suddenly staring into the face of a new stranger.

How much of a fair chance does this new person have to make a good impression on you? Alternatively, how would your perception of this second date change had your first interaction been a total dud? The quality of that first interaction influences the way we judge future, similar experiences.

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Empathy is an essential leadership skill — and there’s nothing soft about it

by  Prudy Gourguechon

I get tired of hearing about “soft skills,” even when it’s acknowledged they are important. No less a hard-muscled body than the U.S. Army, in its Army Field Manual on Leader Development (one of the best resource on leadership I’ve ever seen) insists repeatedly that empathy is essential for competent leadership.


Why? Empathy enables you to know if the people you’re trying to reach are actually reached. It allows you to predict the effect your decisions and actions will have on core audiences and strategize accordingly. Without empathy, you can’t build a team or nurture a new generation of leaders. You will not inspire followers or elicit loyalty. Empathy is essential in negotiations and sales: it allows you to know your target’s desires and what risks they are or aren’t willing to take.

Elsewhere I’ve proposed a short list of 5 essential cognitive capacities and personality traits that every leader who assumes great responsibility must have. Empathy is one of the core five. (The others are self-awareness, trust, critical thinking and discipline/self-control.)

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Servant leadership: Who is ultimately responsible for your people’s success?

By Ronald M. Allen

The emotional high of going to work and being among a group of productive associates, fellow employees with a common goal and supported by an understood incentive, moves people to act like no other force.

The key elements are that the employees feel part of something bigger than themselves. They have a sense of purpose. They are supported by the correct incentives to put forth their best efforts. They come each and every day to give so that the team will receive the benefit of their contribution and be recognized.

When a leader executes accordingly, this show of confidence in one’s fellow employees speaks to the security of the leader and the trust they show in their employees. But before you can learn how to improve your own leadership, you must understand what qualities make up a servant leader.

Here are some of the characteristics of successful servant leaders:

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