The Capabilities Your Organization Needs to Sustain Innovation

By Linda Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, Kent Lineback

Why are some organizations able to innovate again and again while others hardly innovate at all?  How can hundreds of people at a company like Pixar Animation Studios, for example, work together to produce blockbuster after blockbuster over nearly two decades – a record no other filmmaker has ever come close to matching? What’s different about Pixar that enables it not only to achieve, but also to sustain innovation?

It’s a crucial question. In recent years, many people have sought to understand how organizational innovation works, hoping to shed light on the broader and deeper dynamics and principles at play. They have debunked the myth of the lone genius, discrediting the idea that innovation is purely a solitary act or flash of insight in the mind of one creative individual. Continue reading

3 Simple, Yet Critical Musts for Onboarding Success

Marty FukudaBy Marty Fukuda

Organizations spend a great deal of resources, including time and money, selecting the perfect hires. Many businesses have developed training programs to teach new recruits the ins and outs of technical procedures as well as details about their products, services and software.
Yet often some essentials are neglected. During the first few days of an associate’s career, amid those nervous, impressionable moments, a company should lay the groundwork for a lasting powerful relationship with the person involved. Continue reading

There Is No Shortage of Leaders

by Gianpiero Petriglieri

“Our world looks in vain for strong leadership,” lamented the commentary for a new report by the World Economic Forum about the global outlook for 2015. The Geneva-based foundation, best known for its gatherings of world leaders, surveyed 1,767 experts about the major trends likely to keep troubling us in the year ahead.

Despite hailing from fields, sectors, countries, and generations often at odds—or even in conflict—with each other, respondents put their differences aside when it came to assessing leaders. 86% agreed that the world faces a “leadership crisis.” Continue reading

A Rigid Mind Blocks Success. Try These 5 Strategies for Fearless Leadership

Sherrie Campbell by Sherrie Campbell

Rigid thinking is natural to the human psyche. This rigidity causes people to repeatedly apply the same behaviors over and over to diverse business situations. The reality is that people are the most comfortable doing what they know or have done in the past.

The challenge that arises is that diverse problems require varied responses, yet human beings are especially prone to doing what they’re familiar with because it doesn’t awaken any fear.

Fear leads to rigid thinking and subsequently blocks abundance. This is how people get stuck in self-doubt, confusion and stress and their energy drains away as they dip into despondency and frustration. Continue reading

Why Great Leadership Fuels Innovation

By Patrick Lencioni

Bringing new ideas to life requires teamwork that only great leaders can elicit.

Admit it: you’re a little obsessed with innovation. I don’t blame you. Considering how fast markets evolve in today’s global economy and how quickly technology changes compared with even a decade ago, your growth almost certainly depends on creating new products–and new ways to serve customers–no matter what industry you’re in. Continue reading