Managing an Unpopular Change Effort

by Bo Vestergaard

Produce more! Make it better! Spend less!

If you’re a first or second line manager, these demands from upper management may sound familiar. And odds are, you are going to fail at accomplishing them — two-thirds of transformation efforts do. In fact, 8 out of 10 times I can predict if companies will be successful. But I’m not a fortuneteller; I just look and listen for two things: Are the frontline employees engaged in crafting and implementing solutions? And do they express a sense of ownership about the purpose of the change? Continue reading

Don’t Get Stuck as Someone Else’s Second-in-Command

By John Beeson

Every senior executive would love to have an Allan Taylor on his or her team. And that was the nub of Allan’s problem. For a number of years, Allan has reported to a highly visionary manager, and they made a great team. Allan has ensured consistent execution of his boss’s strategic initiatives — and is quickly falling into what I call the “first lieutenant syndrome.” Continue reading

Finding the Job of Your Life

wriiten by Gianpiero Petriglieri

Let’s face it. We all think about it. At times we think of little else — even if only rarely and in certain settings do we feel free to admit it. The conversation often begins furtively, the question murmured as if slightly shameful or out of place. How can I get more of it at work?

Meaning, that is.

Meaning at work, in work, from work. Despite work even. Meaningful work. However you put it, we crave meaning more than ever. Continue reading

The Interconnected CFO: How to Drive Better Organizational Outcomes

written by Shantanu Gosh

From custodian of corporate assets and financial information, the CFO’s role has expanded to a bewildering degree, requiring organizations to reassess their entire approach to financial operations. The old silo mentality is outdated; organizations must develop a more efficient and effective financial operation that drives value across the enterprise. The CFO, being at the center of this process, is best able to drive the necessary changes to create such an interconnected enterprise. However, to be successful, the CFO must learn to leverage all of the tools, expertise, delivery models, and resources available both within the organization and externally, for no single executive has the time to personally research and oversee every aspect of such a transformation. Continue reading

Fatigue Is Your Enemy

  Written by Tony Schwartz

Two years ago, I began hearing the phrase “It isn’t sustainable” over and over from senior executives. They were talking about the everyday demands at work.

The day of reckoning seems to have arrived. During the past month alone, no less than a half dozen senior executives have told me that fatigue, exhaustion and even burnout are the biggest issues they’re facing both for themselves and among their troops. Continue reading