The Death of Outsourcing

 Written by Cliff Justice, KPMG Partner, Shared Services and Outsourcing Advisory

There is a revolution taking shape in the business services industry, one that disregards the traditional shared services and outsourcing paradigms and centers the design of support services on the needs and priorities of the enterprise as a whole.

Since the information technology outsourcing mega-deals of the 1990’s and through the expansion of offshoring and business process outsourcing in the 2000’s, companies have consistently sought ways to use sourcing strategies to reduce the cost of back office services. Continue reading

Women (and Men) Can Have It All

written by by Tony Schwartz

Annie Marie Slaughter‘s article in the current Atlantic titled “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” had a familiar ring — hauntingly so.

More than two decades ago, the Harvard Business Review published an article titled “Management Women and the New Facts of Life,” which made many of the same arguments that Slaughter does — most notably that the structure of organizational life makes it nearly impossible for a woman to have both a high-powered full-time career and to feel fully involved as a mother. Continue reading

In Times of Change, Play from the Back Tees

by Melissa Janis, Senior Director of Learning & Development for McGraw-Hill Education.  The views expressed are my own and are not those of my employer or my husband (who happens to be the owner of this site).

In a recent New York Times interview, Annette Catino, CEO of QualCare, Inc. said “Early on, it was clear to me if I was going to build a successful business, it was going to be about building relationships. I figured out that relationships were built in business on the golf course.”  The only problem:  she had never played a single sport. Continue reading