Master These 4 Talking Points To Ace Your Job Interview





by Sho Dewan


It doesn’t matter if you’ve done it hundreds of times before, job interviews will always be nerve-wracking. There are a lot of variables to consider — from the way you look to whether or not you arrived on time to the stories you tell.

But what’s even more crucial is to ensure that your conversation with the interviewer flows naturally. Because not everyone is a natural conversationalist, it’s still better to practice ahead of time and have a good idea of what you want to say to ensure a positive impression.

It’s worth noting that no two interviewers will be the same. While many will stick to the prescribed questions, others may test your ability to think on your feet by asking curveball questions. But if you can master these four talking points, then you should be well-equipped to ace just about every job interview.

Small Talk

Most people treat small talk as a mere formality, a way to fill the awkward silence before diving into a real conversation. As a result, they try to skip this part of the interaction to get to the “real” discussion faster, viewing small talk as unnecessary and superficial.

While there might be some truth to that sentiment, it’s far better to know how to engage in small talk than not. This is especially true with job interviews, where small talk can help you establish rapport and leave a lasting good impression.

Engaging in small talk is excellent at establishing rapport because it helps to create a sense of familiarity and ease between the interviewer and the candidate. With the job market being this tough, you may likely be competing with hundreds (if not thousands) of applicants, so you want to be as memorable as possible.

Make it a point to give more than one-word answers to even the simplest questions, and try to incorporate elements of your personality or interests into the conversation. For example, if your interviewer asks you how you’re doing, avoid giving a noncommittal “I’m good.” Instead, you can say that you feel energized after your morning run or excited to know more about the company!

The ability to do small talk is a good sign that someone possesses excellent people skills. As a former recruiter myself, I can confidently say that between two candidates of similar skills and experience, the one who was more engaging in interviews is most likely to get the role.

Past Experiences

It’s customary for a recruiter to go over your past experience during your interview since it’s their best way of knowing what you’ve done before and what you can bring to the table.

A lot of people in these situations wing it by answering questions on the spot but if you really want to stand out, it’s best to craft those experiences into stories that put you in the best light. How do you do this? I’ll explain.

All good stories start with a problem, which is why you were hired. Maybe the company was having an image problem, which is why they hired a marketing professional with crisis management skills. Or perhaps they needed to increase revenue to meet certain projections, so they hired a business strategist. Make sure you make this part clear, as this will help make your story more compelling.

After the conflict comes resolution, so once you’ve shared the problem, it’s time to share how you contributed to a quantifiably positive outcome. For example, maybe you spearheaded a public relations campaign that improved customer sentiment by 30%. If you were applying for the sales position, you could share how you consistently hit 20% above quota for six months straight.

Anything you can share where you come out as someone who positively contributed to the betterment of your former employer will help you score points with your interviewer.

One thing worth mentioning here is that many recruiters will also ask why you left, especially if you were doing so well. It’s fine to be completely honest here, but within reason. For example, refrain from mentioning real names or discussing potentially proprietary information. And whatever you do, never air out dirty laundry against your previous employer. Some things are just better left unsaid.

Interests and Career Goals

During the interview, you may be asked about your interests and what you’re looking for in your ideal role. This allows the interviewer to gauge how good a fit you’ll be for the position and the organization as a whole.

To ensure a good outcome, make sure that you’re able to portray yourself as someone genuinely excited to grow in this role and industry. A good way to do this is to look at the job description for clues on what they’re looking for and incorporate that in your response.

For example, if the job description mentions community involvement, then it’s a good idea to mention the summer you spent volunteering at a local shelter. If the role calls for leadership, don’t forget to mention the recent project you spearheaded while your boss was on maternity leave.

Another common but equally important talking point is your career goals, which hiring managers use to determine whether you’re likely to stay for the long term. If you’re unlikely to fulfill these career goals in the company, then the hiring manager may think that you’re not in for the long haul, leading to higher turnover rates and additional costs for recruiting and training.

To remedy this, make sure that you align your career goals with the company’s expectations. Let them know that you intend to contribute to the company’s success while also pursuing professional growth. This way, you can assure your hiring manager that they won’t have to spend valuable resources again to replace you in a few months.

Questions At the End

Asking good questions at the end is also a crucial talking point, even though it’s something that a lot of people skip during interviews. Thoughtful questions are particularly excellent at demonstrating your interest in the role because they show that you did your research prior to the interview.

The kind of questions that you can ask will vary depending on what comes up during your research. However, a good place to start is by asking about the specific team or department that you might work with should you get the role. The answer to this will help you learn about the dynamics of the team you’ll be joining, while also demonstrating your eagerness to work.

Another important question to ask about are the opportunities for growth and development. This question serves you in two ways: it lets you get a sneak peek at the company’s policies on upskilling while also signaling to the recruiter that you’re in it for the long haul — which, as I mentioned earlier, can only help you.

The reasons I laid out here for asking good questions are helpful to show your interest in the role. However, perhaps the best reason to do so is to gauge whether or not you really want to work with them and if the company is the right fit for you. After all, job interviews are not just about the employer evaluating you; they are also an opportunity for you to assess the employer. Rooting for you in your next interview!



Source: Forbes

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