“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ”
At ISSG, we’re curious to know how this proverb applies to executives as they look to bring in new talent – and think you might be too! To explore how perceptions, values and worldviews influence hiring decisions, we are planning a series of blogs/interviews with Senior Executives who are thought leaders in the areas of Talent Acquisition, Career Development and Leadership.
Here are the types of questions we’ll be asking:
- If you only had 5 minutes to interview someone, what would you ask?
- What leadership tip do you wish someone gave you when you were starting out?
- What has made the difference in your own leadership development?
- How do you determine if someone has potential?
- What are the primary characteristics that you will be looking for with new hires that did not play a significant role in hiring previously?
Our objective is to provide you with a unique opportunity to gain insights from Senior Executives – and a platform to get a little visibility yourself!
If you have a question that you would like answered, or would like to be one of the folks we interview, please let us know by submitting your ideas to: SURVEY