Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder-with Manish Sharma

It’s literal meaning – the perception of beauty is subjective.

At ISSG, we’re curious to know how this proverb applies to executives as they look to bring in new talent – and think you might be too!  This the first in a series of blogs/interviews with Senior Executives who are thought leaders in the areas of Talent Acquisition, Career Development and Leadership.

Our initial discussion was with Manish Sharma. Manish is the Accenture BusinessProcess Outsourcing (BPO) Delivery and Solution Development Lead, heading up BPO Global Delivery operations, solutions and mobilization. In this role, he leads over 55,000 professionals in more than 50 delivery centers across five continents. He also serves as a member of Accenture’s Global Leadership Council.  Continue reading

The 4 Most Effective Ways Leaders Solve Problems

Glenn LlopisBy Glenn Llopis

With as many problems as we are all faced with in our work and life, it seems as if there is never enough time to solve each one without dealing with some adversity along the way.  Problems keep mounting so fast that we find ourselves taking short-cuts to temporarily alleviate the tension points – so we can move onto the next problem. In the process, we fail to solve the core of each problem we are dealt; thus we continuously get caught in the trap of a never-ending cycle that makes it difficult to find any real resolutions.  Sound familiar? Continue reading

Talent Acquisition, Career Development and Leadership










“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

At ISSG, we’re curious to know how this proverb applies to executives as they look to bring in new talent – and think you might be too!  To explore how perceptions, values and worldviews influence hiring decisions, we are planning a series of blogs/interviews with Senior Executives who are thought leaders in the areas of Talent Acquisition, Career Development and Leadership.

Here are the types of questions we’ll be asking:

  •  If you only had 5 minutes to interview someone, what would you ask?
  • What leadership tip do you wish someone gave you when you were starting out?
  • What has made the difference in your own leadership development?
  • How do you determine if someone has potential?
  • What are the primary characteristics that you will be looking for with new hires that did not play a significant role in hiring previously?

Our objective is to provide you with a unique opportunity to gain insights from Senior Executives – and a platform to get a little visibility yourself!

If you have a question that you would like answered, or would like to be one of the folks we interview, please let us know by submitting your ideas to: SURVEY



Let Them Eat MOOCs

by Gianpiero Petriglieri

One late afternoon last spring I received a visit from a former student and budding entrepreneur. I usually schedule these meetings at the end of the workday. It feels like a treat, witnessing aspiration and insight blend into leadership to create something new.

Luis (not his real name), however, had not come to see me for leadership advice. He had come to pitch his tech startup and ask for my involvement. Continue reading

Research Finds Narcissistic CEOs More Likely to Adopt Disruptive Technologies

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Corporate CEOs who exhibit narcissistic personality traits are more likely to embrace discontinuous or disruptive technologies than their less narcissistic counterparts, according to research by Donald Hambrick of Penn State’s Smeal College of Business and colleagues from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and IMD International.

The researchers describe discontinuous technologies as “contradicting the prevailing mindset in an industry, rendering existing organizational structures and processes obsolete, and diminishing the value of existing knowledge.” As such, existing firms are often seen as resistant, based on the risk and the high level of resources that would be needed for implementation.

But not all existing firms eschew adoption of these technologies, according to the researchers. Their study shows that CEOs with narcissistic personalities are more likely to take the associated risks. The researchers examined investments in biotechnology made by large pharmaceutical firms from 1980 to 2008 and found considerable support for their hypothesis.

Narcissism, as a personality dimension on which everyone can be arrayed, refers to traits such as a “strong sense of superiority,” a drive to “dominate their environments,” a “high degree of restlessness,” a “lack of empathy” and a “strong need for attention and applause,” the researchers wrote.

CEOs who exhibit more narcissistic traits, then, are seen as more likely to adopt discontinuous technologies for several reasons. Their sense of superiority gives them the confidence to take big risks. Their tendency toward restlessness makes them more open to change — even the radical sort that discontinuous technologies can bring. And they lean toward more dramatic decision-making with the understanding that their bold moves will garner attention among peers and in the press.

To this, researchers add two moderating factors: audience engagement — “the degree to which observers view a domain … as noteworthy and provocative” — and managerial attention — the level of focus that a firm’s senior managers place on a certain phenomenon.

“Bearing in mind that audience enthrallment with a technology can ebb and flow, and envisioning that managerial attention to a technology can similarly rise and fall, we anticipate that the narcissistic CEO will press for more attention at those times when a respected audience considers the technology as provocative and noteworthy,” wrote the researchers.

“CEO Narcissism, Audience Engagement, and Organizational Adoption of Technological Discontinuities” appears in the June 2013 issue of Administrative Science Quarterly. In addition to Hambrick, who is Smeal Chaired Professor of Management, authors include Wolf-Christian Gerstner and Andreas Konig of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and Albrecht Enders of IMD International.

Source: Penn State University News