Turn Your Career into a Work of Art

Written by Gianpiero Petriglieri, MD, He is visiting associate professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School and associate professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD. Find him on Twitter at @gpetriglieri.


Whose life am I living? I’m sure you ask yourself that kind of question from time to time. What am I really good at? What is the purpose of my work? These are not new questions. Sooner or later, we all seek answers to them.

Up to three or four decades ago, most people struggled with such questions once or twice in their lives. When they chose their line of work, or when they resolved to break from the expectations of their family. Continue reading

Stop Blabbing About Innovation And Start Actually Doing It

Wriiten by Aaron Shapiro, CEO, Huge and author of Users, Not Customers.

These days, every established company is at risk of having its industry–and its own business–disrupted by a startup. Cognizant of this, companies devote a lot of time to talking about how important it is to innovate. But here’s the truth: most companies can’t innovate because everyone is paid to maintain the status quo.

This is the single biggest reason companies fail to do anything new or exciting. You and everyone else are maxed out making sure your company is doing what it’s supposed to do; innovation is what the weekends are for. Continue reading